Neighborhood Planning Initiative

The Planning and Urban Design Agency will assist neighborhood residents like yourselves in creating a neighborhood plan that will be adopted by the City of St. Louis. An adopted neighborhood plan is a policy guiding document directing resources that will invest and grow neighborhood opportunities in the vision you want to see. 

Learn about the initiative

Lets Talk Planning! Leave Your Contact Information!

Citywide Zoning Code Request for Proposals Out Now

The City of St. Louis has issued a request for proposals to create a new citywide zoning code due Friday, August 9th by 3:00pm to  

Read More About the Request for Proposals

About Neighborhood Planning

The Neighborhood Planning Initiative will create citizen-led neighborhood adopted plans for each of the City of St. Louis’ 79 neighborhoods.

Planning Process

A framework for the planning process has been created that identifies the stages, deliverables, and what to expect. Learn about the typical neighborhood planning process.

Project Connect | Our Plan

Join in on the planning process for the following six neighborhoods: Carr Square, Columbus Square, JeffVanderLou, Hyde Park, Old North St. Louis, St. Louis Place. Create the Plan and Vision now.

Planning Areas

All neighborhoods have been placed into planning areas. Each planning process will encompass between 1-6 neighborhoods. Learn about the types of stats and information that will help prioritize which neighborhoods this initiative will begin in.

Get Involved

Learn about how to become involved with this planning  initiative in your neighborhood. Let us know how best to engage with you and others in your community. 

Planning Committee

Would like to be a resident who guides your Neighborhood Planning Process?  Planning Committee members should intentionally represent the diverse needs within neighborhoods which can be based on age, race, geographic location, renters, owners, and others factors.


If you have questions that remain, please leave a question on our frequently asked questions "FAQ" page.

Contact Us

Learn more about your friendly neighborhood planners and let us know how we are doing. 

Upcoming Events


Pre-Submittal Meeting Request for Proposals

Pre-submittal Meeting for the Neighborhood Planning Request for Proposals Monday, March 11,  2024 at 3:00pm.  

Register for the Pre-submittal meeting.


Request for Proposal Out Now

City of St. Louis  Request for Proposal for Three Planning Areas out now. 
Request for Proposals are due Thursday, March 28th at 3:00pm

For further information please visit

Follow Us

Phone: (314) 657-3700

Address: 1520 Market St Suite 2000
